What Is This Thing Called Linked Data?

DocEng2015 Tutorial - September 8


Manuel Atencia

EXMO project
Centre de recherche Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe
38 330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin - France
Dr. Manuel Atencia is an associate professor at Univ. Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble, France) and member of the LIG & Inria - Exmo research team. He received his PhD in Informatics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain).
His research interests are knowledge representation and reasoning, and the Semantic Web; more speci cally, the formal study of ontology alignment, and the development of models and algorithms for trust and entity disambiguation in the Semantic Web. His research has been published in the most relevant conferences and top journals of these areas. Manuel Atencia also teaches masters courses in Web and Semantic Web technologies.

Philippe Genoud

Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
Equipe STeamer
681 rue de la Passerelle, BP 72
38402, Saint Martin d'Hères, France
Dr. Philippe Genoud is an associate professor at Univ. Grenoble Alpes. After finishing his PhD in computer graphics at Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) in 1989, he worked during ten years at Inria where he focused on knowledge and representation topics. In 2011 he joined the STeamer team of LIG working on representation of spatiotemporal information. His current fields of research are the Semantic Web and Linked Data. Philippe Genoud teaches computer science in masters at Univ. Grenoble Alpes, more speci cally, courses in object-oriented programming, Web applications and Semantic Web.

Jérôme David

EXMO project
Centre de recherche Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes
655 avenue de l'Europe
38 330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin - France
Dr. Jérôme David is an associate professor at Univ. Grenoble Alpes and member of the LIG & Inria - Exmo research team. He received his PhD in Informatics from the University of Nantes (Nantes, France).
His main research interest is the Semantic Web and, more precisely, ontology matching and data interlinking algorithms. He has designed several tools which manipulate semantic web data such as AROMA, an ontology matching method which is one of the most scalable matching tools which participate in the OAEI evaluation campaigns. He also has developed algorithms for extracting keys and link keys from linked data. Theses works have been published in the most relevant conferences and journals in semantic web and arti cial intelligence. Jérôme David also teaches masters courses in programming andWeb technologies..